Asphalt, Metal, or Rubber? A Guide to Roofing Materials in Shrewsbury



Homeowners exрeсt muсh from their roofs from their Shrewsbury Roofing Serviсe. They wаnt them to look gooԁ, рroteсt their рroрerties from rаin, sunlight аnԁ winԁ while lаsting аs long аs рossible. Houses usually contain one or more main support beams called lintels, headers, girders or joists to evenly distribute weight across its surface area. These essential structural elements help distribute weight more evenly across their surfaces. Finding an experienced contractor like Global Roofing for this task is key - otherwise your roof could become further compromised!

Professional Residential Roofing Service

Roofers are available in many forms, with some companies specializing in particular services. Shingle roof repairs and replacement are one of the many offerings; others may specialize in installing metal roofs. Roof cleaning can help prevent moss growth from pulling away shingles and damaging underlayment underneath.

Roofing Materials

Roofs of houses are essential parts of their overall structures and it’s essential that many factors be taken into account when choosing roofing materials for them. Professional roofing contractors specialize in this field and can help you select suitable materials and repair damaged roofs during storms if they occur.

  • Asphalt shingles are the go-to material for residential roofs, offering durability and affordability. Although they typically last 20-25 years before needing replacing or experiencing extensive damage, if it appears yours may soon reach this mark it might be wiser to replace it sooner rather than later. Signs your roof is at the end of its useful life include extensive leakage or decreased energy efficiency.
  • Metal roofing provides numerous advantages to any home, such as durability, longevity and low maintenance costs. Installation is fast and it comes in an assortment of colors and styles; furthermore it’s ideal for homes equipped with solar systems as it can last for over 30 years without maintenance needs or replacement needs. Though its initial costs may be higher than other options like asphalt shingle roofing or wood shake roofs - metal will save money over time!
  • Synthetic roofing systems provide another alternative option for your roof, using rubber and polymer coatings to simulate the color, texture and durability of natural materials such as slate or wood roofs. They’re highly durable and fire-resistant - often being more cost-effective as well.

Metal Roof

  • Metal roofs have grown increasingly popular as both homeowners and commercial property owners seek durability, longevity, and style in a roofing system.
  • Metal roofs also add value to buildings while cutting energy costs; however, they do pose certain challenges such as leaks and corrosion.
  • Hiring reliable contractors, conducting regular inspections, and meeting maintenance needs can help mitigate problems associated with metal roofing systems.
  • Metal roofing typically lasts 60+ years due to its durable design, protecting against fire, ice, hailstorms, windstorms, and other environmental elements.
  • If galvanized metal is chosen, it can withstand saltwater from oceanic environments without rusting over time, ideal for coastal climates.
  • Metal roofs can be constructed of panels made of steel, aluminum, zinc, or tin, arranged into various patterns ranging from corrugated to flat. It is essential to find roofing professionals experienced with installing the desired type of metal roof to select a color, pattern, and style that meets aesthetics and performance requirements. Areas experiencing frequent hail should opt for a metal roof with a Class 4 impact rating to withstand impact from large debris. When pricing, get material and labor prices separately, and consider purchasing roofing materials yourself for more control over pricing and quality. Shopping for corrugated metal roof panels yourself can avoid markup typically seen with roofing supply companies.

Rubber Roof

Selecting the ideal roofing materials can be a crucial decision, as selecting an inappropriate material could lessen its durability and increase leak risk. A roofing company can assist in selecting suitable options by offering advice and providing Shrewsbury Roofing Service along with various other choices to their customers. Metal roofing has long been one of the go-to choices for residential roofs. While more costly than asphalt shingles, metal can outlive them both and requires minimal upkeep and maintenance costs. Furthermore, its fireproof nature protects a home against flames and smoke spreading in an emergency situation. However, it should be remembered that metal roofs may not suit every home - they work best with flat or low pitch roofs installed by professional installers.
Rubber shingles offer another viable option for improving energy efficiency in homes, as they’re comprised of up to 95% recycled items like rubber scraps and tires. Available in an assortment of colors and styles that mimic cedar or slate boards, rubber shingles make a good choice for energy-conscious homeowners looking to increase energy efficiency. Lightweight yet easy installation makes rubber shingles an attractive solution.


Choosing the right roofing material for your home is an important step in protecting your property. The type of material you choose can affect its appearance, durability, and maintenance requirements. Using a professional residential roofing service in Shrewsbury Massachusetts like Global Roofing is one way to make sure you get the best material for your needs and budget.
You can consult with a contractor about the different roofing materials available and find one that complements your home’s style and architecture.